Empowering Navy Pier Together
The Navy Pier Associate Board members serve as ambassadors of Navy Pier and support the organization’s mission through fundraising events, advocacy, volunteer service and professional engagement.
Responsibilities of the Associate Board
- A commitment to promoting the mission of Navy Pier and serving as our biggest advocates by bringing friends and family to the Pier and recruiting new Associate Board Members.
- Required attendance at quarterly meetings and serve as an active participant on at least one committee.
- Members are required to serve a one year term.
- Fundraise for Associate Board events throughout the year, including Toast to the Pier, the Lakefront Loop 5k, and the ExPIERience gala raffle.

Benefits of Joining
- Network with young professionals from across Chicagoland
- Opportunities to connect with members of the Navy Pier Board of Directors
- Invitiations to exclusive events and receptions throughout the year
- Quarterly updates from Navy Pier Leadership
- Discounts with our Tenant Partners throughout the Pier

Give/Get Commitment
All Navy Pier Associate Board members are asked to make an annual contribution of $250 in addition to a $250 give/get that can be made through the following:
- Personal gift or sponsorship
- Event ticket purchase
- In-kind donations for Associate Board events
- Employer match
- Corporate sponsorship
- Peer-to-peer fundraising

Associate Board Events
Meet Our Ambassadors
Valerie Calahan Taylor
Calahan Funeral Home & Cremations